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Dementia Care Made Doable

includes 12 interactive weekly sessions with the tools you need, the support you deserve and a community that cares.

Get the Care You Need


Watch this video to learn more!

You know you need help but you’re so overwhelmed you don’t know where to begin.

 What if you had an expert guide to lead the way?

A place to get all the tools and skills you need and a caring community to cheer you on? 

Dementia care is an experience like no other.


The Knowledge You Need

Dementia 101

Too often, patients are handed their dementia diagnosis and told “There’s not much we can do.” Or “Come back in a year.” You need to know what to expect, and that starts with answers to basic questions like “What is dementia? What are the different types? What are the stages?’ “You’ll find out how your loved one’s needs will change over time, and how YOUR role will evolve to match those needs. 


Your loved one is changing every day. If he’s losing the ability to communicate, how do you stay connected? How do you know what they want and need? You will learn a simple formula to look beyond behaviors and see what your loved one is really telling you. 

Manage Challenging Behaviors

Does your loved one get angry? Refuse to bathe or take her medicine? Make demands? Follow you wherever you go? Sit on the couch all day? Wander off and get lost? Accuse you of things you didn’t do? Does she see things that aren’t there? Or believe things that aren’t true? We’ll cover all these behaviors and more. 

You’ll find out what causes behaviors. You’ll learn simple strategies based on proven methods to get ahead of and prevent difficult behaviors. Most importantly you’ll learn to tailor the strategies to your unique situation. 

Create a Daily Plan

The way you spend your day makes a huge difference in your loved one’s well-being. You’ll learn the three pillars of a great daily plan. How to shape your day to include the right balance of activity and restful downtime to keep your loved one calm and engaged. 

Ask For & Receive Help

Do these complaints sound familiar? “Our friends have slipped away.” “Our kids are so busy with their lives, I hate to impose.” “My mom’s sister literally stopped seeing her —She says she can’t stand to see my mom this way.” You are not alone. The fact is-it’s common for caregivers to be let down by those they thought they could count on. Learn clear and simple steps to activate your family, friends and community to get the help you need. 

Build Your Dementia Dream Team

Don’t play in to “There’s nothing we can do to treat dementia.” The truth is it’s a unique illness that changes over time. There is an army of specialized professionals who can support your loved one every step of the way. 

Things like getting an accurate diagnosis, managing difficult behaviors, preventing falls, making your home safe, teaching you how to manage incontinence. You’ll find out how to ask for and get the specialized care you need. BONUS! Most of this care is covered by your health insurance. 

Plan For The Future

It’s important to plan for the future. While your loved one still can, they can make their wishes about financial, legal and health care known to family and friends. Many people don’t need a lawyer to make these plans. You’ll learn about the basic forms to plan for the future, and how to locate low cost legal help if you need it. 

Get Benefits

Like all good social workers, I’m a benefits geek. It’s vital to know what your loved one is entitled to –and it’s amazing to see the difference these services can make. If you qualify, you can make use of things like cash payments, in home care, meals, transportation, Adult Day Care, respite care and extensive VA benefits. We’ll leave no stone unturned as we learn how to find and get the benefits you may be eligible for. 

Care For Yourself

As a caregiver, in many ways you’ve had to put your loved one first. But it’s crucial to claim time to recharge, recover and renew. Self care is not an afterthought, a pipe dream or a luxury. It’s essential to keep yourself healthy and centered. Afterall, your loved one’s health is only as good as your health. You’ll learn how to naturally prioritize self care , and get lots of ideas to relax and rejuvenate each and every day. 


Get Started

Practice What You've Learned

Knowledge, tips and strategies are good—but it’s just as important to put those skills into action. DEMENTIA CARE MADE DOABLE sessions are structured so that you can practice what you’ve learned each week. I can’t wait to be your guide as you discover new ways to make dementia care easier!

Huddle With Other Caregivers

DEMENTIA CARE MADE DOABLE sessions nurture a shared experience. There is MAGIC in sharing your story with others who walk in your shoes. Right from the start- you’ll feel the relief - and who can give more ingenious advice than another caregiver? I’m so excited for you to feel that relief too.

But this is your story too.

Your loved One has dementia 

If after two sessions you’re not completely satisfied, you’ll get a full refund.