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What an honor it’s been to guide thousands of dementia families from diagnosis to the day they say goodbye.

Caring for the Caregiver

Has always been woven into my work.

A typical day finds me:

Managing dementia crisis to keep patients and caregivers safe

Doing dementia support groups that focus on managing challenging behaviors

Providing dementia education so that families know what to expect

But it’s the type of care that you and your loved one deserve.

Helping dementia families plan for the future

If that sounds like a lot, well, it is!

I’m with my caregivers as they share their struggles, and as they find relief. It’s such a joy to nurture a space where they can learn, share and get support.

Linking caregivers to vital skills, tools and benefits.

What truly lights me up is leading dementia caregiver support groups.

I have fast tracked dementia families for success for hospital systems and at a leading non-profit. I coordinated the launch of a national caregiver program for a major medical facility. A highlight of my career has been working with a specialized dementia care team. We give our dementia families personalized care from a team of neurologists, geriatric psychiatrists, neuropsychologists, geriatricians, RN’s and of course, social work professionals. We ensure our patients and families get coordinated care throughout the illness.

Get the care you need

A little more about me

Originally from the Mid-west, I received my undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan.

 I moved to California and earned my Masters of Social Welfare from UCLA.

 I live in Los Angeles with my husband. We have have two vibrant and capable daughters.

They’re grown, but they still like to come home to play with Theo – our Australian Shepherd.

How I Can Help

Inside my FREE guide you'll find my powerful formula which is the essence of dementia care— a way to positively connect and keep your loved one calm and engaged. 


Get a custom roadmap for your dementia care journey with my 60 minute 1:1 consultation. I’m here to help you reclaim your certainty and set you on the right path. 

Dementia Care

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