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Each consultation is tailored to your unique needs

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One Hour Dementia
Care Consultation

Every consultation is tailored to your unique needs.

Communication training and conflict reduction: 

"How do I support my loved one without arguing or getting upset?"

Dementia Education:

"What is dementia? What can I expect? How will the illness change over time, and how will we adapt?"

Placement Information:

"What are the options? Can I get help with paying for placement?" Includes referral to placement specialists as needed.

Caregiver Support

"I'm overwhelmed and stressed. How do I keep my balance while caring?" You'll get the support you need from a community that cares.

Benefits guidance: 

"What benefits do I qualify for and how do I get them?"

Manage dementia behaviors:

"What causes behaviors?" You’ll get the tools you need to understand and manage challenging behaviors.

A One Hour Consultation is Your Custom Road Map for the Dementia Journey

Advance Planning Advice: 

"How do I plan for the future? What financial, legal and health care documents will I need?" Includes referral to specialists as needed.

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"What are the different types of dementia?"

"What are the stages I should expect?"

"What does a dementia diagnosis really mean?"

You'll find out how your loved one's needs will change over time and how YOUR role can evolve to match them, and provide the support and care they deserve, while taking care of yourself.

Build Your Knowledge

You need and deserve to know what to expect, so we’ll start with answers to basic questions like:

Manage Challenging Behaviors

Behaviors change for those with dementia, and it's often beyond their control! It’s completely normal if your loved one…

We'll cover all these behaviors, what causes them and learn simple strategies to handle them without getting frustrated or overwhelmed.

Wanders off and gets lost in places they know well

Sits on the couch all day and appears depressed

Refuses to bathe or take their medicine

Gets angry or makes untrue accusations

Plan for the Future

Planning is essential, and it’s important to take the time to do it while your loved one still can. You can empower them to make their wishes known about… 

Get Benefits

Like all good social workers, I’m a benefits geek. It’s vital to know what your loved one is entitled to and it’s incredible to see the difference these services can make. If you qualify, you can make use of…

“How will I know how to handle them?”

Many people don’t need a lawyer to make these plans. You’ll learn how to plan for the future and how to locate low-cost legal aid if you need it.

Legal representation and POA

Health Care Preferences and Needs

Future financial decisions

We’ll find the benefits you’re eligible for, and make a game plan to apply for what you’re entitled to. 

Cash payments from agencies and charities 

Support from in-home care providers

Practical support with meals and transportation

Adult day care and respite care, and other benefits and conveniences.

More About How a One Hour Consultation Can Help You

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About Marianne

Hi, I’m Marianne Hunt, LCSW, and I have a career's worth of experience in dementia care. I’ve helped thousands of dementia patients and their families get the resources, knowledge, and support they need to navigate the dementia journey. Let’s get you started with a custom plan for the road ahead!

"Marianne has transformed our dementia care. Her warm approach and sure-hand guide our patients and caregivers through the long journey. Her expertise in managing challenging behaviors, linking to benefits and handling crises are indispensable."

Dr. Denise Feil

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60 minute One hour Dementia Care Consultation with Marianne

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